Our Governing Board
Governor Term Dates
Name | Type | Start Date | End Date | |
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Mr. Matthew Harding | Headteacher | 01/09/20 | - |
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Mrs. Sarah McGinty | Foundation Governor | 19/05/20 | 18/05/24 |
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Mr. David Moffoot | Vice Chair/Foundation Governor | 01/09/17 | 31/08/25 |
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Mr. Aaron Reynard | Foundation Governor | 19/05/20 | 18/05/24 |
Rev. Alan Saunders | Ex-officio | 21/11/22 | - | |
Mr. Matt Shurlock | Parent Governor | 14/02/25 | 13.02.29 | |
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Mrs Suzanne Spurr | Foundation Governor | 12/01/21 | 11/01/25 |
Mrs. Emma Simm | Staff Governor | 26/11/24 | 25/11/28 | |
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Mr. Adam Syddall | Parent Governor | 05/02/25 | 04/02/29 |
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Mrs Chris Winstanley |
Chair of Governors to contact our Chair please email: WinstanleyC@spsd.fa1.uk |
31/07/21 | 30/07/25 |
Previous Governors | ||||
Mrs. Jennifer Benigno | Foundation Governor | 12/01/21 | 18/07/22 | |
Miss. Adele Whittingham | Staff Governor | 17/11/20 | 16/11/24 | |
Mr. Andrew Simm | Foundation Governor | 30/09/21 | 29/09/25 | |
Mrs. Susie Barnes | Parent Governor | 08/12/20 | 07/12/24 |
All LAB members are appointed by Trustees. Parent and Staff Governors are elected by parents and staff at the school.
Governors are like a Board of Directors and make decisions about how the school is run. They meet regularly at school, for sub-committee meetings, and as the whole governing body.
Governors are appointed to help:
- decide what is taught
- decide how the school budget is spent
- set standards of behaviour
- interview and select staff
School Governors have legal duties, powers and responsibilities. They can only act together, they cannot act individually.
The School Governing Body is composed of:
- The Headteacher
- Parents
- A teacher at the school and a non-teaching representative
- A Diocesan representative
- A local authority representative
Parent Governors:
- Have a child in school
- One of them is elected by parents of the school
- Serve, as do other Governors, for four years
Why are parents on the Governing Body?
Parent governors bring the views of parents to the Governing Body, but they speak and act as individuals. They should not be thought of as delegates of the parents, they could not and do not vote for all parents in general. They have equal status in the work of the Governing Body and have voting rights. They are an important element in developing parental partnership with the school.
Our Governors
Chris Winstanley
I am the Chair of Governors for the School. Prior to my retirement, I spent much of my teaching career at St Peter’s Smithills Dean culminating as KS1 Leader and Year 2 class teacher. I have served as a Governor for many years, initially as a teacher Governor and currently as the Diocesan Governor. As Chair of Governors, I am excited about working with everyone at St Peter’s and supporting the school as it continues to move forward. I am also an active member of St Peter’s church.
David Moffoot
I spent my whole career teaching science, ending up as a Deputy Headteacher at a school of 1200 pupils in Chorley, specialising in teaching and learning. Even in retirement, the joy of education remains in my blood and at present I am involved in a charity Education India which supports and encourages good teaching practice in a range of Indian schools. I regard it a privilege to be a governor at St. Peter’s CE Primary School.
Matt Harding
I am very proud to be Headteacher at St Peter’s and on the governing body. I have taught for over 20 years now and became headteacher of St. Peter’s in September 2020. I worship at St Peter’s Church and am committed to strengthening the link between church and school. I am married with 3 children, Mary, Joshua and Amelia, and I enjoy working with the other governors, staff, parents and children to make St. Peter’s the best school it can be.
Suzanne Spurr
My name is Suzanne Spurr. I became a Foundation Governor of St Peter’s Smithills Dean in 2017. I have two children, both of whom are at St Peter’s Smithills Dean. I am self-employed and run a busy childminding business. I have a good knowledge of education in the early years. Prior to having my family, I have over ten years’ experience in youth justice, working in a variety of different roles with children from the age of eight to eighteen. I am very proud to serve on the governing board of this school, and I am keen to continually develop my skills to develop this role.
Aaron Reynard
I am a resident in Barrow Bridge with my wife, Steph, and three young children of which two currently attend St. Peter’s and the third will hopefully follow! I am a Solicitor specialising in catastrophic personal injury and work for Keoghs LLP. It is a privilege to collaborate with the hard working staff and Governors at St. Peter’s and I am excited to contribute to the development and ensure the upkeep of the excellent standards set by the school. “
Sarah McGinty
I’m Sarah, one of the elected parent governors for St. Peter’s. I live in Heaton with my husband Michael and my two children, Thomas and Alice.
I’m Assistant Head of a large primary school in Bolton. I’m delighted to be part of the team and to work with the staff and governors to continue the development of the school.
Adam Syddall
I was elected Parent Governor of St Peter’s SD in January 2025 and am father to two pupils, Arthur and George. My wife, Ruth, is currently Chair of the PTA. We live in Heaton and regularly attend Christ Church. I am a Partner in a local firm of Chartered Accountants. I am a junior football coach with with Oxford Grove JFC and cricket coach at Lostock CC. In my former life as a cricket professional I enjoyed immensely coaching children not only in Lancashire but all over the globe. There is nothing more rewarding than seeing children fulfilling their potential. I hope to play a small part as Governor of this fantastic school to enable every child to reach that potential.
Emma Simm
I was delighted to join the governing body in January 2025 as staff governor. I have been working at St Peter's for over 24 years now and still love every minute of being part of such a fantastic school and therefore I am pleased to be able to further support the school in this role. Away from St Peter's I love spending my time with my family, my husband Andrew and two boys Toby and Mikey who both attended St Peter's. We enjoy walking, football and, when we can, visiting places both home and abroad.
Register of Interests
Governor Attendance 21/22