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St. Peter's Smithills Dean CE Primary School

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Forward As One CE Academy Trust

Our Shine Curriculum

At St. Peter’s all aspects of school life, including our Shine Curriculum, are firmly rooted in the school mission statement and our Christian Values. We believe that every child should develop the knowledge, skills, understanding and confidence to become a positive force in the world.

 Our Shine Curriculum ensures children experience excellent teaching and develop a lifelong love for learning. Our curriculum encompasses not only the formal requirements of the National Curriculum, but goes beyond this to ensure that our children are exposed to the richest and most varied opportunities that we can provide. St. Peter’s Shine Curriculum will give children opportunities to find their talent, their gift, an area of expertise or spark an interest in them that will develop into a lifelong hobby or pastime. The curriculum is further enhanced by our commitment to values-based education (including British Values) and, through this, we provide learning experiences which promote confident, resilient, self-motivated pupils, eager to challenge themselves and learn.

 We aim to remove all barriers to learning so that all children can develop the skills they need to move onto the next phase of their learning and to carry with them a joy for new learning and discovery.

 We want all the children to develop a growth mindset and increase their resilience when faced with a challenge, to know that making mistakes is ok and that this is an essential part of great learning. We aim to ensure that our children are able to communicate confidently and effectively through both their spoken and written language by the time they leave St. Peter’s. We want all children to develop a love of reading and the skills required to read for pleasure into adulthood.

 Our Shine Curriculum ensures children gain an understanding of equal opportunity, are able to celebrate the richness and diversity of Bolton, Britain and the wider world and are, therefore, fully prepared for life as a global citizen.

 We aim to equip all children with the knowledge and skills to make positive lifestyle choices in respect of their physical health, their wellbeing and healthy relationships. We place a great value on the importance of digital literacy and computing confidence, so all our children know how to keep safe but be creative and innovative when using IT software and equipment.

 When children leave St. Peter’s our Shine Curriculum will ensure they are ready for Secondary School academically, emotionally and physically; they will take with them strong personal values and a ‘can do’ attitude which will allow them to continue their learning journey and succeed.

 We want all our children to take risks, try new experiences, inside and outside of the classroom, and, therefore, experience life in all its fullness so they can become St Peter’s citizens who shine as lights in their world.


Follow the links to read our long term curriculum overviews – more coming soon. If you require more information about our curriculum, please contact the school.

The Core Curriculum



Our Foundation Subjects


Science History Geography
Computing Design Technology Art & Design PE
Music Languages PSHE Early Years