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St. Peter's Smithills Dean CE Primary School

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Forward As One CE Academy Trust

 Special Educational Needs

At St. Peter's  we know every child is important and valuable. Every child is unique and has special gifts, talents and abilities. We also recognise that some children find aspects of learning or life at school difficult and we will always try to go the extra mile to allow all children to shine.

Our SEN policy and documentation will give you all the information you need to know if you think your child might need some extra support or help to navigate their way through school and be the best they can be.  

If you would like to talk to someone about any need your child may have, please speak to Mr Harding (Headteacher) or our SENDCO (Special Needs Coordinator)

Our SENDCO is Mrs E. Woodhouse who can  be contacted via school. Phone 01204 333500 and ask for Mrs Woodhouse, or email office@spsd.bolton.sch.uk for the attention of Mrs Woodhouse. 

 Our SEND policy 24/25

sen policy 24 25.pdf