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St. Peter's Smithills Dean CE Primary School

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Forward As One CE Academy Trust

Vision & Values

Our Vision, Values and Aims

Our Vision: Let Your Light Shine!

At St. Peter’s we want everyone in our school to let their light shine! We believe everyone is unique and a special gift from God, each with their own gifts, talents and abilities. In the book ‘Wonder’ there is a wonderful quote which says ‘I think there should be a rule that everyone in the world should get a standing ovation at least once in their lives.’ At St Peter’s, we’ll help everyone have such a moment.

Our vision is to prepare everyone to be positive and effective St Peter’s citizens, shining their light in the world. This vision is rooted in the Bible: Matthew 5 v16: “… let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”

Our Values: Love, Hope, Trust, Respect and Thankfulness.

Everything we do is guided by these Christian values and our children are taught how important they are and how every aspect of school and life in general is enhanced and built upon these core values. We believe these values will help all our children to flourish, thrive and achieve their potential whilst at St Peter’s.

Our five values underpin everything we do at St. Peter's; they drive our curriculum, they form the basis for our relationships and we aim to ensure, before our children leave us, these values are their values for life.

These five values are so important to us, because of what they mean, but of course so many other values feed into our five:

Love Hope Trust Respect Thankfulness





















Our Aims:

  • To foster a love of learning.
  • To provide a welcoming, inclusive, and joyful learning environment for all pupils.
  • To provide a broad and balanced curriculum that goes beyond the National Curriculum and encourages creativity and imagination.
  • To develop children’s confidence, self-esteem, social responsibility, respect for others and self-discipline.
  • To develop children’s spiritual awareness by promoting Christian values, and respecting other faiths, cultures and traditions, irrespective of gender, sexuality or race, based on the principle of loving your neighbour.
  • For children to recognise what they have, and to be grateful for the opportunities they have compared to many children their age around the world.
  • To celebrate achievement whether that’s academic, sporting, individual milestones, perseverance or any other personal goal.
  • For children to take risks, challenge themselves, show resilience and learn from mistakes and failure.

Our school values and aims promote the fundamental British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths, ethnicities and beliefs.